PENDLE councillors have called for government clarity on prospects for reopening the Skipton to Colne railway line, which campaigners say could lead to faster travel right across the north and, in particular, boost east Lancashire towns.

The calls came at a full meeting of Pendle Borough Council against a wider context of regional projects and funds, including Levelling-Up schemes, being considered at Westminster.

Campaigners want a rail line to be reopened between Colne and Skipton, offering better trans-Pennine travel between Lancashire and Yorkshire, which they believe will bring many economic, education and social benefits. The aim is for fast train links between boroughs such as Burnley and Pendle and Skipton, the Aire Valley, Leeds and Bradford.

Speaking at the meeting, Lib-Dem Councillor Tom Whipp highlighted the alleged ‘continued derailment’ of a government decision on proposals for reopening of the Colne-Skipton route. This created ongoing uncertainty for residents and campaigners, both for and against reopening the line, he said.

He also criticised alleged failings by Lancashire highway authorities and other agencies to publish comprehensive plans and identify resources for sustainable and active travel initiatives and routes within Pendle.

He said: “Because of climate change issues, we need a choice of transport in the future. Trains need to be one element because electric cars are not the only answer. It’s about time that the government made a decision about the Colne to Skipton railway line. They should stop dilly-dallying with photo opportunities while nothing is being done about opening the line beyond Colne.”

He called on Pendle Council’s chief executive to ask the government’s Secretary of State for Transport, Mark Harper MP, for a clear-cut decision about the Colne-Skipton rail route and that Pendle’s MP, Andrew Stephenson, is asked to support the request. Cllr Tom Whipp also wanted Lancashire County Council to provide sustainable and active travel routes within and between communities within Pendle and that Pendle’s MP be asked to lobby for resources for this.

Finally, he asked for Pendle’s chief executive to present a report to the next Policy and Resources Committee meeting about local sustainable and active travel.

Lib-Dem Cllr David Whipp supported the motion and said: “Certainty regarding the railway is what we want for everybody. But this is also about sustainable and active transport measures across Pendle and healthy lifestyles.”

In reply, Conservative Cllr Ash Sutcliffe said: “Active travel is at the forefront of Lancashire County Council work. I agree with the thrust of this motion regarding rail. Various projects are being looked at, including £50million in Levelling-Up funds, which was earmarked for east Lancashire for active travel. But we are not in charge of this. These are matters for the highways and active travel departments. ”

However Cllr Tom Whipp added: “Pendle Borough Council is very clear on its policy for the Colne railway line.”

Conservative Cllr Nadeem Ahmed, the leader of Pendle Council, said: “Regarding the railway line, it is important that we all champion that scheme. The Lancashire 2050 agreement [a recent agreement for closer working between all local councils] is one of the arenas where this needs to be raised.”

Cllr Ahmed added: “SELRAP [the Skipton East Lancashire Rail Action Partnership] championed the Colne-Skipton line. It could be a real game-changer for Pendle."

SELRAP is a group which includes business, transport and political representatives. It has 500 supporters it says including Arriva Northern Trains, Skipton Building Society, the Drax electricity supplier and Peel Ports, the land and infrastructure developer behind the new Liverpool 2 deepwater port in north Liverpool, close to West Lancashire.

The Airedale railway line is a modern route from Leeds to Skipton. SELRAP’s proposal is to extend this to Colne, allowing east Lancashire passengers to travel to Leeds in less than 60 minutes. It also allows the possibility of a new direct link to Manchester Airport from Skipton, SELRAP says.

The body says the economic benefits of a Colne-Skipton reopening would be significant for east Lancashire Job and education prospects, and house values, in North and West Yorkshire are generally better than east Lancashire.

SELRAP’s information states: ” In some towns served by very poor train services, long-term unemployment is institutionalised. The constituencies of Burnley and Pendle are among the most economically deprived areas in the UK. It is widely recognised that these long-term economic woes are exacerbated by very poor transport connections to surrounding city regions, especially Leeds and Manchester, according to Lancashire County Council-sponsored reports. There is a huge disparity in the quality of life and economic circumstances on either side of the Pennines, Yorkshire is affluent while east Lancashire is poor.”

SELRAP will hold its annual general meeting at Colne Municipal Hall on March 13.