A PROGRAMME helping Ukrainian refugees in Bradford has received a boost after being awarded a share of £40,000 by Freemasons.

The West Riding Masonic Community Fund has awarded the amount to help Ukrainian refugees settling in Yorkshire.

It will be split between six Ukrainian ex-patriot organisations in the county, including the Bradford branch of Association of Ukrainians in GB.

James H Newman, provincial grand master of the Freemasons’ Province of Yorkshire, West Riding, said: “The plight of people, who have been forced to flee from Ukraine to escape the war that is raging in their country, has touched the hearts of everybody in our country.

“I am incredibly proud that the generosity of Freemasons both nationally and from Lodges from across Yorkshire will enable the organisations, who are helping the refugees to settle Yorkshire to tackle the challenges facing them.”

In addition to the £40,000 for Yorkshire, the national charity, the Masonic Charitable Foundation, has distributed over £1.1 million to various charities and organisations, at home and abroad, to support those affected by the war in Ukraine, mainly refugees and families, who have been separated because of the war.

The Freemasons of the Province of Yorkshire West Riding contributed a further £40,000 towards this.