NORTHERN Powergrid is urging people to stay clear of overhead power lines and substations if they plan to set off fireworks to celebrate the festive season.

The electricity distributor, which delivers power to 3.9 million homes and businesses through its network of underground cables and overhead power lines, is encouraging people to be cautious and double-check their surroundings before lighting fireworks.

Northern Powergrid advises people to be fully aware of the potential dangers around and above them which could spoil their festive or New Year celebrations - or result in serious or fatal injuries - if they light fireworks anywhere near electricity lines, cables, poles, or substations.

Gareth Pearson, Northern Powergrid’s Director of Health, Safety and Training, said: “While fireworks are fun and exciting for spectators, we’d urge customers and residents to take a few minutes to find a safe and suitable place to set off the fireworks, well away from our overhead power lines, poles or substations.

“Interfering with the electricity network can be dangerous and by taking these extra, simple precautions, people can have a fantastic festive season and a safe start to 2024.”

To report an electricity network safety issue (both emergency and non-emergency incidents) contact Northern Powergrid on 105.