St Mary's RC School, Menston

P Armitage bi, ea, gt, ch; L Barber hi, ad*, rs, gt; E Batman gy, bi, py, gt; D Bell sport and pe, germ, gp, gt; M Brooks des tech, ch, bu, gt; M Brumfitt py, ea,hl, gt; N Cahill gy, bi*, des and tech, ch, gt; L Cassidy py, rs, fr, gt; H Clarke py, el, law; B Convey bi, hi, ad*,gt; T Cooke germ, rs, fr*, gt; A Copeland hi, ea, law, fr gt; S Cox gy*, ad*, des and tech, gt; K Creegan dest and tech, ad, sport and pe, gt; S Crowden ad, des and tech, fr; R Curran dram and ts*, ea, el, mu*, gt; L Danskin sport and pe, hl; S Davis gy*, py*, ea*, hl; P Dockerty sport and pe, hl; A Doonan hi*, bi*, sport and pe*, gt; G Duffy bi*, ch*, ma*, fr*, gt; J Edwards gy, econ, ad, gt; D Firbank gy, hi, sport and pe, gt; C Flynn hi, bi, gp*, gt; J Forman ph, gp, ma, gt; N Fraser dram and ts, rs, gt; F Gallagher py, bi, ea, gt; J Gallucci hi, py, hi, gt; O Gustafson hi, ea, fr, gt; P Hart bi*, ch, fr, gt; S Hawley ad, germ, fr, gt; F Hickman bi, ph, ch; J Holder hi, ea, gp, gt; K Holmes el, hl, gt; G Howard gt; H Hudson sport and pe, hl, gt; J Jackson gy, py, bu; S Kehoe gy, rs, gt; N Keinhorst ph, ma*, gt; M Kelly sport and pe, gp, bu, gt; T Lee gy, sport and pe, ma, gt; J Lytwyn hi, ea, gp*, gt; J Mahoney sport and pe, ea, rs; T McCarthy hi*, ph*,ma*, fm* gt; M McKay mu, sport and pe, ; R McPhee econ, bi, sport and pe, gt; A Mifsud gy, ph, ma, gt; F Minchella bi, ch, ma*, gt; D Moran ma, fr, law, gt; T Morris hi, gp; G Mulcuck gy, py, bu*, gt; M Mulcuck py, ea, el, gt; R Munro econ, bu, gt; F O'Brien dram and ts, germ, ma, gt; M O'Brien py, gp, gt; Michelle O'Brien hi, sport and pe*, ea, gt; D Owens gy*, ph*, ma*, gt; C Ruggiero hi, py, bi, gt; D Scatchard ad, el, germ, gt; G Scott dram and ts, ea*, gp*, gt; B Senczszyn bi, el*, ma, gt; L Shields hi, gp, law, gt; T Slater hi, sport and pe, rs; M Smith ea, bu, gt; P Smith gy, ph, el*, ma; R Smith sport and pe, hl, gt; A Speed py, bi, ea, gt; M Steele py, bi, rs, gt; K Stewart sport and pe, el, gt; G Taylor gy, econ, ea, gt; S Todd sport and pe, rs, hl, gt; B Waite sport and pe, gp, bu, gt; R Walker sport and pe, hl, bu, gt; H Ward gy, ad*, el, gt; C Waterhouse ea, rs, law, gt; S Waterhouse, ph, ch, ma, gt; B White py, ea, hl, gt, Cam White ad, des and tech, gp; Chris White hi, dram and ts, rs, gt; J Whitehead ad, mu ch, gt; J Wilkes bu, gt; J Wilson hi, econ, ph, gt; M Wood sport and pe, bu,C Woods bi, sport and pe, gt; J Yaqoob bu.

VCE M Brumfitt hl; L Danskin hl; S Davis hl*; P Dockerty hl; J Gallucci ict; K Holmes hl; H Hudson hl; S Kehoe ict; N Keinhorst ict; T Lee ict; M McKay ict; T Morris ict; R Munro ict; D Owens ict; L Shields ict; R Smith hl, ict; S Todd hl; R Walker hl; B White hl; M Wood ict; J Yaqoob hl, ict