SIR - Our inept Council has now announced that the three tips previously highlighted will close from March 31 (T&A, March 23).

This, it is said, will save the Council £900,000 per year.

To what extent, one wonders, have other savings been considered before this unpopular decision was taken?

For example, how many staff are employed in climate change, diversity and equality roles? How many are actually needed?

We then have a chief executive earning around one quarter of the amount needed to be saved here. Well, if the present chief executive is as effective as Kersten England, who retired last year, then that level of salary is way above the value to our city.

Further, how many staff / directors earn above £100,000 pa? Are these too all necessary?

It's amazing how many Consultations the Council holds, and then takes no notice whatever of any results.

Badly served? It continues unabated.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon